Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trial of Champions, SM in 1 min, xp in bgs, holy shit, batman

The ToC 5 man dungeon:
I switched all my follow macros to the form:
/focus MAIN
/follow focus
and now following works in vehicle (and mounted) combat. Thanks to the Dual-Boxing forums for that, of course. Assist button remained the same (just /assist main) and I moved all of my keys and bindings off the main toolbar so that I didn't have any weird bindings show up when the mounted bar swapped in. I haven't been able to kill the last champion or so in the mounted portion of ToC but I'm also 4-boxing it and think with this post, I should be fine. I was already doing something similar but this really makes sense.
I brought in my brother and collected maybe 5 epics already for the team? All ilvl 200, so heroic stuff (on normal mode) but still, I love the color purple and I love new gear. The nice thing about getting epics of any level is that I don't hesitate to gem and enchant the fuck out of them. So the net benefit to the group is much greater than just the piece itself.

SM in 1 min:
Diwa over at DB posted a 1 pull 1-min SM clear that I love. I've done SM a few times to boost the teams up (my horde main has 57 Mograine kills according to the armory, 86 on my alliance main) but always in 3 pulls and in probably 7 min. I know, I know, amateur night, but still, since you can't do it more than 5 times an hour, I didn't really care. But this is just lovely and I want to save it here.

XP in BGs:
Again, scouring the DB forums, AV is giving people 130k xp per win? Holy shit. I don't know what I'm getting now, to be honest. I've been questing hard and in familiar areas (just blasted through dragonblight again) so it's probably a pretty decent rate. And I get gold, items, rep, and variety. But AV won't have drop quests, travel time, and matches can go fairly quickly. Do I get the rep for killing people? For turn ins? I need to find out more.
Update: Well, I read up a bit on the official forums and it looks like the xp is from victories and dropping mobs like Belinda (you whore). I'm going to give it a whirl but 4-boxing AV a few weekends ago sucked balls. The lag, the split-group, the fact that I was probably one of the reasons we lost... And I'm horde. We always lose. To be honest, if the 71-80 bracket is the same way, consistently losing every match, I may just use this for my alliance team on AV weekends.
Ideally, I would do the easiest quests in an area (wanted posters, arena chains, etc), do an instance here and there, and do a few AVs to keep me out of having to grind out so many drop quests. We'll see today how it goes.

Last but not least, you'd totally hit this, right?

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