Monday, July 27, 2009

The Wall

I burn out so quickly in WoW. I may be back at that wall again. My one team is at 80 and, as is the case for everyone, a whole new grind presents itself ahead of me. Why is it a grind and not just the fun of playing the game? Well, it is. But I've seen all the dungeons now. I've been to all the areas. No, not Naxx yet, but I'm trying, I'm trying. I don't feel like leveling up any of the lower teams today (or this last week, for that matter) either.

But, I don't think it's a long term slump. I'm looking at these ill spots to move to in the RL, and have become mildly obsessed with work again (in a good way, i.e. by choice), but when you're multiboxing, I think you might be quicker to pull the plug on 5 accounts where you might leave 1 account active for months after you've moved on to other entertainments.

I took up inscription and jewelcrafting on my MT, am 3 days from getting team 80 their epic weapons from the argent tournament, and got my first arena points last week. Oh, that might have had something to do with it... arena was a real quick in the balls. And the teeth. And the wallet. A lot of kicks landed. My teammate and I charged out and SPAGHETT!... we were spooked.

Pics and actual content to come. I'm going to post my current boxing-friendly daily quest route for icewind next. Hope you're having a blast.

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