Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I might be a quitter

The b-team made it to Northrend today and, after doing a few of the earliest quests, I thought, screw it, let's get in to Utgarde Keep and see what this is all about. Well, a few wipes later and I threw in the towel and swapped my druid and pally.

They honestly have kind of sick gear for their levels. I'd gemmed, enchanted, and glyphed them out, and they were doing some impressive stuff (2-man'ing a boss when the rest of the team died early). But, I've run a pally tank before and it's easier than apple pie. And a tree can probably heal just fine. It won't fix my aoe-healing issues necessarily, but who cares. When a bunch of fucking skeletons spawn, they'll run over a big yellow circle of holiness and stick to me like a stalker. There are a lot of macros to re-write or create (since you don't really have many for the toon you play), and I'm sure the first time I test-drive this lemon it won't be pretty. But, in the long run, the team will achieve more effortlessly, I hope.

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