Monday, July 13, 2009

Argent Tournament Boxing

Wow... I could teach my cat to open her own cans of food with more success than I had trying to get five toons to shield-break and charge a motionless target. In fact, to illustrate my initial attempts to box the jousting quests, here's a quick anecdote:

For the first-level jousting quests, you have to go around whacking away at a bunch of motionless wooden dummies, five days in a row. One of the tasks involves shield breaking and then charging a target which, as it so happens, is situated along the cliff face of Icecrown. I'm used to my mount coming to a slow trot after blasting through these. Hilariously enough, when I sent all five of my toons rocketing toward said cliff-hanging target, one decided it was all too much and just kept on trucking right over the edge. I have no idea why he didn't stop. Sometimes I feel the same way.

Anyway, it was a bit of a mess, all in all. I couldn't share targets via any assist macros, so I had to manually choose the same target on each little screen. I remapped the keys so they were all the same and tried to line everyone up on top of each other like a clown car and steer manually, with some success. I don't know. If anyone has a link or suggestions as to how the fuck I can up my mounted game, I'd appreciate it. I'm going to do some research while the servers are down tomorrow and see if I can get this locked down. I'll post any tips I find of course.

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